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nice!, very awesome work you did!, you are using a chatgpt API for the generation of text or another? ^^

Hi and thanks! After testing many different models, I found that the best compromise between cost and quality for this type of task was llama 3.1 70b :)

ive been sitting here on this game for the longest! its honestly fun and very intriguing.


I like how if i pretend im alyssa he doesn't believe me, but I can trick him into thinking im michael.

Not sure if a bug -- I ended up convincing (spoiler) to use the upload command on his (spoiler) but at that point it just sat at "is typing..." until time ran out.

But that aside, this is a really cool experience. Felt like I was really arguing with this character and trying to convince him. Have you considered writing a post about how it works behind the scenes?

hi! That is definitively a bug, BUT if you refresh the page and start the game again you should have your progress saved (it will clearly tell you that during the first page, when asked to type /start), and if you know the upload command will be easy to get going from there :) In case you wanna see the end of the demo - you are really almost there. 

Good idea about writing a post of the behind the scenes! I put *a lot* of effort trying to make the chatting system as seamless as possible, and I think it mostly works. 

In any case, glad you liked it!


so damn fun

the game won't load at all - it stays on this blank screen with nothing on it other than a line for the message box.

Did you try to scroll down on the main big window (above the line). This is a known problem and I'll fix it on an a future release. Let me know if it works!

That didn't quite work, sadly.

damn! Sorry to hear that. Not sure why it doesn't work for you. Do you mind telling me your browser/OS? Thanks for trying anyway :')

Chrome/Windows 10

Hi Kirby, I think I have identified the problem! Most likely your browser doesn't support WebGL (maybe it's not been updated for a while) as you can verify clicking here:

I have now updated the game and it should work for you :) Let me know if it does!

Awesome, can't wait to see how this continues
